Creativity requires more than a standard solution

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ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA at the CBC focussing on innovative brewhouse solutions

At this year’s Craft Brewers Conference in Nashville Ziemann Holvrieka will showcase its comprehensive product and service portfolio, which is particularly interesting for craft and creative brewers. The focus of the exhibition at booth 344 is on a brewhouse solution, specially developed for the requirements of the North American craft brewers. This solution is offered from a cast-out wort volume of 50 bbl. In addition, ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA will present its innovative brewing process OMNIUM, which celebrated its world premiere last year and which represents a completely new way of wort production.


Standardized and technically reduced brewhouse modules restrict the flexibility and thus the creativity of the brewmaster. Consequently, ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA offers all services and current brewhouse innovations, such as SHARK, LOTUS, COLIBRI or our whirlpool, also for plant sizes from a cast-out wort volume of 50 bbl. For the craft brewer, this means: Firstly, he operates an energy and yield optimized plant. Secondly, he benefits from the high quality and efficiency of the industrial plant manufacturing of ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA. And thirdly: he receives the highest level of flexibility and quality in what is the essential – the brewing process. Last but not least, the ZIEMANN innovations already provide the infrastructure needed to convert the brewhouse or later even the complete brewery to renewable energy sources.


The second focus of the exhibition is on OMNIUM, a completely novel brewing process. Here, the brewhouse tasks are divided into subprocesses, which are treated individually and, by subsequently combining partial flows, finally completed in an optimal way. The core component and centrepiece of OMNIUM are NESSIE, a separation and extraction system, a fractional wort boiling and hop isomerization as well as the wort saccharification with malt enzymes. Significantly shorter process times, more flexibility and higher raw material yields are the result of OMNIUM. The process also has a positive effect on the quality parameters of the wort, which accelerates the fermentation and increases both the capacity of the brewhouse and the cellar.



Since 1852 ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA has been providing innovative and tailor-made solutions for craft breweries as well as for large-scale breweries – from the malt intake to the bright beer tank cellar. The product range in the area of the wort treatment extends from the malt intake, via grist mills, mash vessels, lauter tuns, mash filters, wort kettles and whirlpools up to wort cooling systems. In the area of the cold block ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA offers fermentation and storage tanks, bright beer tanks, yeast tanks and all required CIP tanks. ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA plans, engineers and automates the process and the cleaning technology in all production areas, including the installation of process pipework and the integration of all required utilities. For modernizations, capacity expansions as well as for completely new brewery plants – ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA provides innovative solutions and is a valued expert.

Last but not least, ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA is a competent and reliable partner for craft breweries and large-scale breweries in the field of research and development. ZIEMANN HOLVRIEKA supports its customers, for example, in developing individual beer recipes.