According to AC Nielsen data the market share of TM “Kvas Taras” at the year end 2010 made up 41.7 % by value and 34.1 % by volume. Compared to 2009 the brand strengthened its position by 15 % by value and by 12.1 % by volume.
TM “Kvas Taras” entered the market in 2008 and promptly earned leading positions in kvas segment. Taste and quality of this soft drink of natural fermentation is highly evaluated both by experts and consumers. In 2009 experts from the Scientific and Research Centre for Independent Consumer Testing “TEST” evaluated brand’s quality as “A+”. Also, “Kvas Taras” was acknowledged the “Best Kvas Brand 2009” and was awarded a golden medal on the 16th specialized exhibition “Beer and Non-alcoholic Beverage Industry 2009”. In 2010 “Kvas Taras” was awarded a medal “For High Quality Kvas” of the V All-Ukrainian Kvas Festival, held in Kyiv.
TM “Kvas Taras” is made of natural components exclusively, such as rye and barley malt, water and yeast. Due to natural fermentation kvas preserves vitamins and minerals contained in cereals and gains mouth-watering flavour of bread crust. Malt is reach with E vitamin and positively affects human performance, which is of prime importance in cold season.
Presently kvas market is still being formed and it follows beer market development as it was 15 years ago. Kvas annual consumption per capita is 3.2 l in Ukraine nowadays. For comparison this value is 7 l in Russia and was 18 l in USSR. The rapid growth of the brand’s market share throughout 2010 testifies the renewed popularity of the wholesome kvas among population.
Elena Dzhagaryan, Marketing Manager of Non-Beer Brands at “Slavutich”, Carlsberg Group: “Kvas Taras” is a drink for people, who care of their family’s health. It’s a wholesome drink of natural fermentation free of preservers and chemical dyes, recommended even for kids over 5 years old. It’s all about the quality which is the secret of “Kvas Taras” success and undisputed leadership on the market”.