The International Grains Council (IGC), an intergovernmental organisation concerned with grains trade, revised its global 2011/12 barley production forecast down to 136 million tonnes (previous forecast 137mln t; 2010/11 124 mln t). Output in the EU-27 is expected to amount to 54.9 million tonnes (down from 55.4 mln t)), in Russia at 16.7 million tonnes (17.5 mln t), in Ukraine at 10.0 million tonnes (10.8 mln t)) and in Canada at 8.7 million tonnes. Global use is forecast at 139 million tonnes (138 mln t)) including 91 million tonnes for feed, 7 million tonnes for food and 30 million tonnes for industrial use. Global trade is projected to reach 17 million tonnes and ending stocks 23 million tones.