A beer brand is hoping that internet videos will give its digital marketing campaign an added push. AdAge reports that Carlsberg, the Danish beer company, has created a new online video featuring a movie theater full of tough, threatening-looking bikers. The video puts unsuspecting couples in the awkward spot of taking the last two remaining seats in the theater. When they finally work up the nerve to sit down among the bikers, everyone starts clapping and hands them a beer to celebrate.
The “That Calls For a Carlsberg” clip has already pulled in more than 3.1 million views, the news source reports.
It seems more ad agencies are including online video in their integrated marketing campaigns, and internet companies are also using the channel to increase their market reach. Marketing Magazine reports that Yahoo is creating a series of web shows geared toward female audiences as it works to establish itself as a studio and television network.
“We’re not just video, we’re video plus,” Yahoo vice president and leader for original programming, Erin McPherson, told the news outlet. “We’re video plus text and photos and communications products and mail and messenger. That contextualized experience is something we can own.”