Germany’s malt industry has undergone significant changes recently and there are now just three large malting factories under exclusive German management, an industry analysts note said earlier in October. The remaining large malting factories under exclusive German management are Ireks of Kulmbach with 335,000 tons, of which 170,000 ton in Austria, GlobalMalt of Hamburg with 200,000 tons, of which 90,000 tons Poland, and Erfurter Malzwerke with 110,000 tons, exclusively at Erfurt, Germany, it is reported.
?Soufflet and Durst announced the integration of Durst Malz in the Soufflet group. Three other large German malting companies are now integrated in international corporations: part of the bankrupt Weissheimer group was taken over by Avangard, Moscow, Schill Malz was sold to Graincorp, Sydney, and now Durst Malz to Soufflet, Nogent s/Seine. ??