The fact that the trade fair duo creates valuable synergies and that its concept is accepted by the Indian beverage and foodstuffs industry is also proved by the impressive figures on the exhibitor side. A 30% increase of space overall, including a 40% increase at drink technology India and a 20% increase at International PackTech India speak for themselves. The increase in space just for Indian exhibitors and branch offices, which were registered as exhibitors, amounted to 35% for both trade fairs.
The trade fair visitors included top managers as well as technicians,
engineers and users from mid-range management from all of India as well
as neighbouring countries. They obtained an overview of the products
and services of the more than 220 exhibitors, conducted specific business
negotiations and ordered spontaneously on site, to the great
satisfaction of the exhibiting companies from more than 20 countries.
Franz Kammerloher , Vice President sales southern asia / eastern asia,
KRONES AG, Germany, summarized for the German exhibitors:”The trade
fair surpassed all of our expectations. We held numerous, extremely
successful discussions with customers. And regardless of whether
organization, duration of the trade fair or the series of talks,
everything was convincing and exceedingly positive.”
Also an equal balance was drawn by Pratik Shah, Reifenh?user India
Marketing Ltd., for PackTech India: „The response was nothing less
than overwhelming and we look forward to the next edition.”
Within the context of a joint German exhibit, 17 renowned German
companies presented their offers. In addition, there were official
national contingents from Switzerland, Italy and Turkey at
International PackTech India. drink technology India also had a joint exhibition
booth from China.
The Italian companies had the second largest foreign contingent and also
expressed their great satisfaction with the three lively trade fair
days. Giorgio Carmagnola Vietti from Cavanna S.p.A reported: “We have
been very satisfied with the quality of visitors. The show gave us the
opportunity to reach interesting new contacts in India.”
Domestic suppliers also assessed their participation at the two trade
fairs positively. Pranay Patel, Director NPM Machinery Pvt. Ltd, India,
was at dti for the first time: “I must congratulate MMI for providing a
wonderful platform to us. Our participation has allowed us to explore
the industry thoroughly by meeting potential people and sharing ideas
with them. Visitors profile was indeed very purpose oriented and we
definitely look forward to have participation in the next edition. We
would be pleased to help out MMI in anyway to take the brand to new
For Packtech India, Pratap Singh of Akash PackTech Pvt. Ltd. recorded:
“International PackTech India is a good platform to meet the
manufacturers, exporters, importers and competitors as well. A chance to
introduce new products and advancements.” Abhijeet Deshpande by
MGM-Varvel expanded: „All the participants were quality participants.
We would definitely participate in the next edition.”
In general, the focus of the exhibitors was very clearly on the needs of
the Indian market and correspondingly customised solutions and products,
among others, the topics of hygiene and water treatment. Products were
emphasised at drink technology India and International PackTech India
that link a high degree of efficiency with simple handling.
The organisers of the two trade fairs, Messe M?nchen (drink technology
India) and Messe D?sseldorf (International PackTech India) as well as
their Indian subsidiaries, held the fairs jointly for the first time two
years ago. Exhibitors and visitors already profited at the premier from
the know-how of two globally leading trade fair organisers and from the
synergy effects between the packaging and beverage industries. This
success story has been continued with this second event.
Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Managing Director of Messe M?nchen GmbH,
considers the concept of the double trade fair confirmed: “drink
technology India and International PackTech India have demonstrated that
together they are stronger and undoubtedly the leading technology
platform on the Indian market. As a trade fair duo, the two events
provide numerous synergies, from which the visitors from the various
industry branches project.”
Erhard Wienkamp, Area Manager of D?sseldorf Trade Fair, added: “And the
exhibitors too, because we avoided further splitting of the Indian trade
fair market thanks to the joint organization of the two trade fairs.
India is a very interesting market. The boom in demand in the beverages,
liquid food and foodstuffs sectors requires corresponding investments by
industry. Facilities and machinery have to be modernized and built up.
International PackTech India and drink technology India bring supply and
demand together in a targeted manner.”
In addition to the presentations of the exhibitors, there was a
comprehensive supporting program, among other things, a trade fair forum
with talks by exhibiting companies as well as a conference on current
industry topics. The talks and panel discussions, at which experts from
India and abroad participated, also concentrated mainly on issues
relevant to the Indian market. For example, exhibitors from India and
Europe presented product and system solutions for current topics in the
forum of drink technology India.
The focus of the International PackTech 2012 Conference was on
innovative packaging technologies and solutions, labelling, coding,
handling and storage. Environmental aspects were also dealt with, e.g.,
waste management and recycling technologies. The program closely related
to actual practice was organised by IPMMI (Institute of Packaging
Machinery Manufacturers of India) and IFCA (Indian Flexible Packaging &
Folding Carton Manufacturers Association) with support from Messe
D?sseldorf and Messe D?sseldorf India Pvt Ltd.
International PackTech India and drink technology India will again be
held jointly in Mumbai on 25 to 27 September 2014.
Johannes Manger and Benjamin B?ttner
Tel. (+49 89) 949-21482 / -21484
Eva Rugenstein/Desislava Angelova
Tel. (+49 211) 45 60 -240