It became known today that Anheuser-BuschInBev, one of the leaders of the Chinese beer market, plans to close its brewery in Zhejiang Province, Zhoushan district.
On 11 December 2015, AB InBev Company started the construction of a brewery in the district of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, with an area of 500 acres and a design capacity of 1.2 million tons of beer a year. It was invested $40 million during the first stage. The total investment in this project is $2 billion. It is one of the largest investment projects in China.
Once the brewery is put into operation, the Zhoushan brewery will be closed.
According to industry analysts, the closure of the brewery is just the beginning. Subsequently, other similar small factories can also be stopped. AB InBev has 50 breweries in Asia Pacific region. There are 4 major Breweries (500000 tons and more), 6 large plants (300-500 thousand tons), 16 medium-sized enterprises (100-300 tons) and 23 small (less than 100,000 tons) in the 6 regions of China.
Previously, the company has already closed 4 breweries in China in order to optimize production.