Above the roofs of Miltenberg

  • Reading time:2 min(s) read

Brauhaus Faust: lifting of tanks and vessels into the new brewhouse with truck cranes – painstaking accuracy down to the last millimetre (more…)

Premiere in Texas

  • Reading time:4 min(s) read

The first US craft brewery with the newest ZIEMANN technology was put into operation on schedule. (more…)

NürnbergMesse a Winner from Reunification

  • Reading time:4 min(s) read

  • 25 years since The Wall fell, no German exhibition company has benefited as much from reunification and the EU’s expansion to the East as NürnbergMesse
  • 2014 sets new records for international exhibitors, visitors and exhibition space
  • Good outlook for 2015


Beer Business (Pivnoe Delo) #3-2014

  • Reading time:2 min(s) read

Assortment of Russian beer

One sometimes finds it difficult to define the beer sort by reading the label. For historical reasons, in Russia is used a simplified classification dividing all beer variety into dark and light sorts. Besides, all color range shades of beer are used in brand names for example: platinum, amber, red, velvet and black. This color array also includes “white” color, which usually refers to a wheat beer sort.


Press Releases NürnbergMesse

  • Reading time:3 min(s) read

Accolade for energy management to ISO

* NürnbergMesse is first exhibition company audited to ISO 50001
* Energy management distinguished by extensive strategy (more…)

Acquisition of GEA Heat Exchangers by Triton is finalized

  • Reading time:3 min(s) read

After receiving the required approvals, Triton* has legally finalized its acquisition of GEA Heat Exchangers, as part of a so-called closing procedure. With this closing and with assumption of the activities of GEA Heat Exchangers, Triton takes over all companies in the former group, as well as all staff. (more…)

ZIEMANN at the BrauBeviale 2014

  • Reading time:3 min(s) read

Holistic energy management covers heat and cooling demand of a brewery with renewable energy sources, with ICE AGE being an interesting part of this concept (more…)

Exhibition world meets in Columbia

  • Reading time:4 min(s) read

AHK Columbia is new representative of N?rnbergMesse
World Congress of “Union des Foires Internationales” (UFI) in Bogota is key platform for global exhibition industry (more…)