Karmeliten Brauerei wins the Handelsblatt Energy Award

  • Reading time:3 min(s) read

The concept of an energy self-sufficient brewery was awarded with the Handelsblatt Energy Award in Berlin. In the category ‘Industry’, the Karmeliten Brauerei convinced the Energy Academy with the modular energy concept as a showcase for the energy turnaround. On the evening of September 28, 2017, the awards ceremony took place at the Museum of Communication in Berlin. (more…)

Beer Business (Pivnoe Delo) #3-2017

  • Reading time:2 min(s) read

10+1 trends of Russian beer market 2015-2017 Despite of the moderately negative prognoses for 2017, the beer market can be stabilized soon. Yet the years of the negative dynamics have resulted in marketing being limited just to “optimization” and the art of balancing between price and volumes. Bigger supermarkets share means stronger trade marketing. These processes are connected to the majority of the described trends. At the same time, the federal brands inflation leads to searching for new tastes, sales channels and contact formats that expand the product range and diversify the beer market, but do not imply a substantial volume increase. Let us enumerate and further discuss the ten trends of the beer market we can see in 2015-2017 as well as the major event of 2017.  Beer market of Ukraine 2017 In the first half of 2017, the Ukrainian beer market goes on decreasing slowly. Yet, the companies manage to compensate their lost volumes by raising prices and improving the sales structures. This results in the mid price market segment reduction while the sales of premium brands are rising. These processes are connected to position strengthening of companies Carlsberg Group and Oasis and the market share reduction of Obolon.…

Beer market of Ukraine 2017

  • Reading time:18 min(s) read


In the first half of 2017, the Ukrainian beer market goes on decreasing slowly. Yet, the companies manage to compensate their lost volumes by raising prices and improving the sales structures. This results in the mid price market segment reduction while the sales of premium brands are rising. These processes are connected to position strengthening of companies Carlsberg Group and Oasis and the market share reduction of Obolon. Most of the novelties by the market leaders belong to craft or hard lemon categories.

10+1 trends of Russian beer market 2015-2017

  • Reading time:43 min(s) read

10+1 тенденций пивного рынка России 2015-2017

Despite of the moderately negative prognoses for 2017, the beer market can be stabilized soon. Yet the years of the negative dynamics have resulted in marketing being limited just to “optimization” and the art of balancing between price and volumes. Bigger supermarkets share means stronger trade marketing. These processes are connected to the majority of the described trends. At the same time, the federal brands inflation leads to searching for new tastes, sales channels and contact formats that expand the product range and diversify the beer market, but do not imply a substantial volume increase.

Let us enumerate and further discuss the ten trends of the beer market we can see in 2015-2017 as well as the major event of 2017.


drink technology India 2017 almost fully booked!

  • Reading time:3 min(s) read

  • Annual cycle at alternating venues proves to be the right decision
  • dti 2017 wins an important supporter in FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India)
  • Confirmed dates for the next events in Mumbai in 2018 and Bangalore in 2019
