Myanmar Beer undergoes facelift to take on rivals

  • Reading time:5 min(s) read

Myanmar Beer commands about two thirds of the country’s beer market by volume. And the firm has not sat complacently on its market dominance — like other state-backed firms. MBL has moved swiftly to overhaul both its image and products. (more…)

Guinness Zero: Iconic Beer Maker Introduces Alcohol-Free Variant In Indonesia

  • Reading time:2 min(s) read

British alcoholic beverage company Diageo has introduced a nonalcoholic version of its famous Guinness beer in Indonesia called Guinness Zero. The new beverage was launched exclusively for the Muslim-majority country after the government banned the sale of beer in convenience stores in April. (more…)

China’s new-found thirst for real ale has British brewers and Chinese entrepreneurs cashing in

  • Reading time:7 min(s) read

British businessman Peter Bloxham thought Christmas had come early when Chinese president Xi Jinping sat down in David Cameron’s local pub to sup a pint of Greene King real ale. Days later the phone was ringing off the hook with punters wanting to know where they could buy the beer that ‘Dada Xi’ – as the Chinese leader is affectionately known – was seemingly so fond of. (more…)