Russian beer market 2021

  • Reading time:34 min(s) read

In 2021 Russian breweries have not lost their consumers, it even turned out that they started drinking more beer at home and more often. The market has held the high bar of the previous season, yet now it is growing by value and polarizing by price segments. The competition in the market has been determined by Carlsberg Group (that has regained its volumes, having sacrificed the margin) as well by rapidly growing private labels and import. In those conditions, AB InBev Efes and MBC demonstrated a good stability, while Heineken was reluctant to lose profitability and lost some of its share. The regional breweries in the east of the country also yielded their positions. 


Beer Business #3-2019. Russia: Positions of Brewing Companies

  • Reading time:25 min(s) read

The review contains an analysis of interim performance of brewers in the first half of 2019. There are rather dynamic changes behind a modest industry growth. Baltika is again experiencing a stage of volumes and market share slid due to competition with AB InBev Efes. Because of the price competition and presence expansion in the modern trade company #2. has come close to the leading position. At the same time sales of Heineken Russia have continued growing which makes the premium part of the portfolio heavier. The market premiumization trend had been also confirmed by import brands. MBC and Zavod Trekhsosenskiy have been the most successful among federal market players. The market share of independent regional brewers and Ochakovo have continued falling as they are being squeezed out by the market leaders at their competitive fields. (more…)

Beer Business #2-2018. Leaders’ Plays and Regionals’ Shares

  • Reading time:46 min(s) read

The beer market dynamics in Russia is approaching zero, yet major brewers are divided into those who developed considerably in 2017 and those who considerably reduced their volumes. For instance, company Efes has managed to substantially extend their sales due to restrained pricing policy and activity in the modern trade. Heineken has also demonstrated an excellent performance promoted by significant increase of advertisement budgets launching a non-alcohol sort of the title brand and unusual activity in the economy market segment. Carlsberg and AB InBev have been focusing on margins and lost a market share of their inexpensive brands. Serious dependence on PET package and mass enthusiasm about Zhigulevskoe have negatively impacted the most of big regional brewers, that have been for the first time pressed by the leaders in the key sales channels, especially in Volga and Central regions. In the small business there has been a noticeable slowdown in appearing of new restaurant breweries, yet the number of craft breweries has been growing rapidly. In 2018, the beer market is likely to grow a little, while the share of AB InBev Efes may decrease due to the integration. (more…)

Beer market of Russia 2016: PET goes to draft

  • Reading time:47 min(s) read

pet-logoThe beer market of Russia was warmed up by the hot summer, but the preparation for large volume PET prohibition has already impacted it negatively. The year was successful for Efes, MBC and regional producers; Carlsberg’s positions were virtually stable but AB InBev and Heineken lost a part of market share having focused on the sales profitability. The dynamics of big brands was determined by how much the companies were willing to keep the prices down or by their promotional activity. In this context the economy segment of the beer market and sales of inexpensive draft beer were increasing. The premium segment started shrinking due to license brands migrating to the mainstream segment. (more…)

Baltika improved results in Q3

  • Reading time:6 min(s) read

Company’s volume market share increased by 1.4%* in comparison with the similar period of 2015. Baltika’s shipments in Q3 went up by 16%. The quarter results positively influenced on company’s 9 months 2016 performance. (more…)

Beer market of Russia, 2016. Balance found?

  • Reading time:47 min(s) read

Over the past 6 years there was not a sign of the beer market stabilization, but now we can cautiously speak of it in three different aspects – economic, demographic and competitive. On the one hand, the changes are touching upon the consumption structure, i.e. the beer volumes drunk by different generations of the Russians are coming to equilibrium. On the other hand, the fall of beer sales by international companies was balanced by the growth of their smaller competitors. The economy in 2016 is more stable, the spring-summer season passed without shocks and the Russians, heated by the good weather, thought of beer. The year was marked by three events on the market, i.e. beer advertisement return to TV, Baltika’s sales fluctuations, and transition of Carlsberg and Gosser brands to the mainstream segment. (more…)

Import beer market in Russia, 2016

  • Reading time:11 min(s) read

Import beer supplies from far abroad have stabilized in 2016 and even started growing. This is due to major market players who provide an affordable price and wide distribution. Besides, the changes in the import segment are associated with a licensed production launch and transmission of rights for exclusive distribution of major brands. (more…)

Russia. Baltika summarized H1 results

  • Reading time:5 min(s) read

Due to the challenging macro environment in H1 2016 the Russian beer market declined by an estimated 2-3% compared to the same period last year. Further decrease in purchasing power continue negatively affecting the market development, which is caused by volatility of the economic situation. (more…)