Recipe for success whets the appetite for more

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2014 results of NürnbergMesse Group: Most exhibition space in the company’s history, more than 1 million trade visitors for the first time ever, revenue of EUR 229 million, profit of EUR 8.2 million.
Positive trend of event bookings, slightly ahead of plan in the first half of 2015.
Outlook: “Hot autumn” in the making. (more…)

drinktec supports the World Championships for Beer Sommeliers

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On July 18, 2015 the best beer sommeliers from all over the world will be meeting up in the Brazilian city of São Paulo, to compete in their fourth World Championships. A total of 53 beer sommeliers from nine countries have come through the qualifying rounds in their own countries, to compete in this final. At Brasil Brau, and in the midst of the biggest beer festival in South America—Degusta Beer&Food, the finalists will be presenting their skills. drinktec is not only a main sponsor of the competition, it will be represented on the jury in the person of Petra Westphal. (more…)

Beer Business (Pivnoe Delo) #2-2015

  • Reading time:1 min(s) read

Beer keg market Kegs in brief Leaders in keg production World draft beer market Secondary market Keg price Draft beer and keg market in Russia Market structure Analysis of keg import to Russia Russian craft? Conditions for craft beer expansion Niche for craft beer in Russia How many small brewers are there in Russia? “Small” does not equal “craft”